What to Know About How Lupus Affects Weight
Sarah Patterson, MD, of University of San Francisco, California discussed the downside of using steroids as a long-term treatment and the benefits of maintaining a healthy weight in patients with lupus.
The Ancient Practice of Tai Chi Is More Popular Than Ever. Why?
USA Today
Peter Wayne, PhD, of Harvard University credited the recent popularity of tai chi to the growing body of credible medical research on the practice.
Coping with the Emotional Side of Metastatic Triple-Negative Breast Cancer
Everyday Health
Barbara Walker, PhD, of University of Cincinnati discussed how a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis can lead to distress and provided tips for improving mood and general mental wellness.
Some Carbs Are Good for You. The Key Is Choosing the Right Ones
The Washington Post
Kelly Morrow, MD, RD, of University of Washington shared that carbs in the form of whole foods are a good source of nutrients, fiber, and fatty acids, which are important for overall health.
Saunas Are the Next Frontier in Fighting Depression
A new study by Ashley Mason, PhD, of University of California, San Francisco showed that sauna treatment could become an accepted treatment method for depression.
Mental Health power Hour: Local Company Steps Up to Offer Support to Employees
Sian Cotton, PhD, of the University of Cincinnati visited a local company to lead a mindfulness workshop as part of a new “mental health power hour” in the workplace.
Ageism in Health Care Is More Common Than You Might Think, and it Can Harm People
Louise Aronson, MD, of University of California, San Francisco shared thoughts on how ageism in health care is detrimental to older adults.
Mindful Medicine: Integrating Mindfulness and Meditation in Primary Care
Barbara Walker, PhD, from the University of Cincinnati, discussed the intersection of holistic wellness, mental health, and cardiometabolic health outcomes.
Rev. Dr. Shakira Sanchez-Collins Touches Hearts and Minds with Ministry and Medicine
In this news segment, Shakira Sanchez-Collins, MD, of Northwestern University discussed how being a pastor and an integrative medicine physician is a perfect pairing to care for a patient’s mind, body, and spirit.
Can Soaking Your Feet in Hot Water Help Ease a Migraine Attack?
SELF Magazine
Melinda Ring, MD, shared how traditional hydrotherapy might supplement conventional medical options to provide migraine relief.
Laughter Yoga Combines the Healing of Joy and Mindfulness of Meditation
KCBS Radio
Teresa Corrigan, RN, a public class instructor at University of California, San Francisco, was featured on a local radio program to discuss the health and brain benefits of laughter.
Osher Center for Integrative Health Helping People De-stress, Be More Mindful and Resilient
Heidi O’Donoghue, a mindfulness instructor at University of Utah, shared insights and tips on how to lessen stress, be more mindful, and become more resilient.
Nurturing Resilience in the Wounded Healer
Psychiatric Times
Darshan Mehta, MD, of Harvard University shared tips for resiliency for clinicians to maintain emotional stability during challenging times.
Study Undercuts Premise for Excluding Women from Medical Research
The Washington Post
Dr. Ashley Mason of University of California, San Francisco, found that women’s body temperatures are no more variable than men’s, despite menstrual cycles and hormonal variability, and argues for more inclusion of women in medical research.
Free Health Screenings Available at the Wellness Bus
Dr. Alexandra Hernandez of University of Utah discussed the Wellness Bus model and available services as part of Diabetes Awareness Month.
Nature Can Help You Remain Positive Despite the News
Psychology Today
Dr. Mladen Golubic of University of Cincinnati shared that spending time in nature promotes physical activity, engages your senses, encourages social interaction, and enhances well-being.
Why Health Care Workers Are Burning Out
The New York Times
Dr. Amy Locke of University of Utah discussed the problem of provider burnout and the trend of health care workers overworking in environments that are under-staffed with intense pressure to perform.
The Bitter Truth: Artificial Sweeteners Are Detrimental to Your Health
The Daily
Dr. Debra Bell of University of Washington shared that artificial sweeteners have been shown to have links to negative effects on brain neurons, heart health, and a possible microbiome link to irritable bowel syndrome.
7 Ways Tai Chi Can Help Prevent Injury – Especially if You’re Over 50
Dr. Peter Wayne of Harvard University shared the benefits of tai chi for older individuals, including improving joint health, mindfulness, and balance.
Dancing With Parkinson’s: New Program Helps Patients Control Movements
U.S. News & World Report
Dr. Danny Bega of Northwestern University discussed the success of a new dance program for people with Parkinson’s Disease that helps with mobility, balance, and coordination, while also delaying the progression of the disease.