


The Osher Collaborative for Integrative Health applies rigorous scientific research methods to evaluate physiological and therapeutic mechanisms, efficacy, and use of approaches in society as they affect health, resiliency, and well-being. 

Patient-centered research aims to develop effective approaches to whole person health. Osher Collaborative researchers use whole systems as a model to understand the inner workings of the human system as well as the impact of therapeutic modalities on all aspects of well-being.

Coordinated efforts identify and foster networks of collaboration and support within member institutions, and also among local and global communities.

(Signature Research Programs diagram developed by Northwestern Osher Center)

Featured Osher Collaborative Research:


Population-Based Medicine

Patient Reported Outcome Measurement System (PROMIS)

Practice-based data collection is widely used across clinical settings for monitoring diseases, conditions, health services, and device safety. These databases are critical to the development of a more complete knowledge base of any field of medicine.