Going Gluten-Free: Food Choices & Meal Planning

Event Northwestern University

Judy Fulop, ND, FABNO, Naturopathic Doctor, will be the facilitator for the group.

Thinking about eliminating gluten from your diet? Wondering if a gluten-free diet is right for you? Join us for a 60-minute seminar about how to follow a gluten-free lifestyle that is both nutritious and delicious. We’ll discuss why a gluten-free diet may be beneficial for some people. Learn about: What foods to avoid as well as the many foods that are naturally gluten free; Shopping tips to spot the hidden sources of gluten; Meal-planning ideas; Cooking and baking tips; Advice for eating at restaurants and local gluten-free resources and more! Applicable for those who have celiac disease or want to avoid wheat and gluten.

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