Clinician Well-Being Retreat
Hosted by University of Washington Osher Center & Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness (RISHI)
The Wounded Healer: Exploring Compassion & Empathy for Self and Others in Health Care
October 18-19 2019 | Cedarbrook Lodge, 18525 36th
Avenue South Seattle, WA 98188
As health care professionals we are all wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. Dr. Remen suggests “it is our woundedness that teaches us to be gentle with the wounds of others, to trust the natural and mysterious process of healing and to develop an innate compassion and empathy for others, so that those in pain are not alone when they are with us, and know that they are safe with us. Our wounds do not diminish us, they make us trustworthy.” This workshop offers an opportunity to reflect on the Wounded Healer archetype, Second Victim Syndrome, the impact of Imposter Syndrome in clinician well-being, and nurturing our resiliency.
Are you seeking reflection and renewal in your professional and personal life?
If so, please join us for an incredibly enriching experience! This 2 day workshop will draw on the award-winning discovery model methods of the Remen Institute for the Study of Health and Illness (RISHI) offering nourishment and self-care for healthcare professionals.
Join Evangeline Andarsio, MD, RISHI Director; Rianna Lloyd, DNP, RN, RISHI Power of Nursing and Lu Marchand, MD, BSN, FAAHPM Executive Director of the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine at University of Washington School of Medicine to…
- Awaken the experience of respite, quiet and peace
- Explore the Wounded Healer archetype using reflection, experiential exercises, art, symbolism, narrative, journaling, generous listening and small group sharing
- Experience the difference between compassion and empathy
- Learn about the impact of “Second Victim Syndrome” and “Imposter Syndrome” in Clinician Well-Being
- Learn strategies to foster compassion for self
- Experience the compassionate support of a professional community
- Enhance ways to nurture your resiliency
- Enhance compassion and resiliency using self-care tools
- Enjoy the beauty of the magnificent Pacific Northwest